Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Car Parking

Why do these things always seem to happen to me.... I parked my car on Monday, checked it was still there (with wing mirrors intact etc) on Wednesday, yet when I walked past it on Friday, late at night, it had a yellow parking ticket on it was surrounded by orange roadwork barriers!! Completely imprisoned!! I could not believe it... check out the photos.

I went back to it in the morning on Saturday - of course no one was there doing any work on the massive hole in front of my car to help me, and Bath City Council wasn't answering the phone as it was a Saturday... So I had to move the barriers myself to get my poor car out!!

It's like the time years ago I lived on Burlington Street before it was residents parking... I parked on a Friday, went back to my car on the Sunday and the council had painted a white DISABLED line around my car!!!! Yes that's right.. out of the whole street they had chosen my car and decided to make it a disabled parking space....

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